I wanted to bake something unique in honor of Imbolc on Feburary 1. Imbolc, also called Brigid's Day, is a Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring - it's also celebrated by Wiccans and witches who follow the Wheel of the Year. Cinnamon is an ingredient often using during Imbolc (along with dairy, honey, and lavender) so I searched for recipes that that would highlight it.
I came across these cinnamon roll cookies and knew I had to try them. I LOVE cinnamon rolls, and felt like this was a new take on them. The recipe is from a blog called Kroll's Korner. There are quite a few steps to this recipe, but if you carefully follow it, it's totally worth it because they come out awesome!
You start by making the cinnamon sugar filling and setting it aside. Then you make the cookie dough. Once your cookie dough is made, you have to spread the cookie dough out into a large rectangle shape. You don't need a rolling pin, you can simply flatten it out with your hands. Then you layer on the cinnamon filling, and carefully roll the dough from the long end. Then you cut and roll the dough into ball shapes, then bake.
While they're baking, you make the yummy cream cheese frosting. It's a simple frosting recipe, but it compliments the cookies perfectly. Once the cookies are done baking and have cooled, you can frost them!
You truly get all the flavor of a cinnamon roll in a deliciously soft and fluffy cookie. The chewy center of these cookies and the wonderful balance of cinnamon and sugar with the cream cheese frosting make for a wonderful little treat any day of the year.
Baking tips: Put lots of flour down when you spread out the cookie dough layer. When you're forming ball shapes with the dough, make sure no cinnamon filling is spilling out or the cookies will sort of fall apart in the oven. If your oven tends to bake fast, only put the cookies in for about 7-8 minutes instead of the 9-11 recommended in the recipe.
Top photo from here too.